Any health care professional that meets our standard of quality and service may join Orange County Doctors Group. Each week we personally call on more than 300 doctors’ offices who refer to us or give our telephone number to patients. We enjoy a close, warm relationship with numerous doctors and/or their staff. Since our referrals come primarily from doctors of family practice, we’re mostly open to all kinds of specialists.

If you’re interested in becoming part of Orange County Doctors Group, we’d like to meet you and get to know you as your time permits! We enjoy sending patients to offices where they’ll be warmly received by caring staff members, and can count on receiving the highest quality care from the doctor and nurses. Of course, recommendations and accolades from your peers always make us feel comfortable, too!

Join Orange County Doctors Group

949.751.9036  |  714.587.7367

If you have questions or comments about our services, please use the form below.